Interior Design + Brand Identity

At JLA Studios, we believe that every space tells a story and creates a shared experience. As a Senior Designer, my portfolio illustrates how integrating a client’s brand into the space can enhance user experience and boost brand recognition. Here’s how we leverage interior design to craft and enhance brand identity, ensuring each project not only meets functional needs but also resonates deeply with our clients’ ethos.
— Jennifer Aalders, Principle

Visual Representation: The Brand's Aesthetic Voice

The first impression is often the most lasting, and interior design is a powerful medium to communicate a brand's visual identity. From the choice of colors and materials to the style of furniture, every element can convey the brand's personality and values. For instance, in one of my past projects for a construction company, we used a minimalist palette with sleek, relevant, and modern elements to reflect the company’s growing status within the industry. While the design prominently features the logo in the reception area and subtle splashes of corporate colors in support spaces, the overall palette is neutral to allow the brand colors to pop and not overwhelm the space. Functional elements like convertible meeting rooms and operable glass partitions support the company’s continued growth and innovation.

Varied Approach versus Cohesive Spaces

Designers often apply multiple strategies to large-scale projects, such as campuses and multi-floor corporate offices. Alternative color palettes and motifs can support overall brand identity while providing visual cues for wayfinding and team identity. These strategies prevent monotony and can create engaging, collaborative spaces. However, this approach might not suit environments like spas or wellness centers, where subtle changes in palette promote a calming effect, supporting the intended function of the space.

Logos and Corporate Branding

Logos and corporate branding can significantly influence interior spaces, but its not required. A holistic approach goes beyond logos and marketing visuals, it encompasses the company's values, mission, and culture. This broader perspective ensures that the space looks appealing and resonates with the company's ethos, enhancing the overall brand experience.

While some logos and brand colors are timeless, others may be outdated. Designers can address this by using neutral, analogous, complementary, or split-complementary color schemes. These palettes when used correctly can help strategically integrate logo and brand colors into the overall design without overwhelming the space. Each client and project is unique, listening to the client and understanding their values is crucial to determining the best approach for integrating branding within a space.

Conclusion: The JLA Studios Approach

At JLA Studios, our approach to interior design is holistic. We don't just design spaces; we craft experiences that embody and enhance a brand's identity. Through a thoughtful blend of aesthetics and functionality, we help our clients tell their stories in ways that are visually compelling and emotionally resonant.


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